Sunday, March 3, 2013

We went back to the Children's Museum after having not been there for a while and they had some new exhibits, which is always an exciting thing to discover.

Even a few of the old exhibits that Atlas had never paid attention to, he was now very interested in.

He loves to hide in the cave and the boys had a lot of fun trying to get away from me while I stuck my camera in the cave's cracks with my flash on and tried to photograph them.

Cosby had fun looking around while stuck to me.

Atlas has decided that Frosted Flakes is a daily necessity. I love his tired face and crazy bed head.

I took the boys to the library to see a puppet show, which Atlas loved.

Then Atlas put on his own puppet show.

Cosby discovered his tongue and stuck it out for a week straight.

I made the most delicious blueberry cream cheese cake.

Atlas is getting big enough to start doing some chores, and he likes it!

I was cooking and Nick was washing dishes and Cosby was getting fussy in his high chair, then I looked over and saw that Atlas had wheeled Cosby over to the movie shelves and was showing him all the movie covers and telling him all about the movies. Cosby was very interested.

He always has one foot up in the air.

He is in heaven since I started letting him eat baby food. He loves every new flavor I give him and gets so excited to eat. He even chews his food. He loves it so much, and I absolutely love watching him chow down.

Here's Atlas teaching Cosby how to play Sonic. For some reason the video blanks out a little after 2 minutes, but the first two minutes is good enough.

We had a busy day today. Atlas gave his first Primary talk, Nick taught Gospel Doctrine and I taught RS, then we came home and had a LONG family nap. We are missing Skyping with family tonight, but our laptop broke. Hopefully we will be able to again soon.

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