Tuesday, March 19, 2013

March is an odd month. One day it's a beautiful promising Spring day, and then it's snowing by nightfall. (Especially here in RI) And that seems to be how everything is going lately. Things haven't really been going our way lately, with news from schools, Bix, getting told our car is on it's last leg... but March is also an exciting month for us. Nick and I celebrated out 7th anniversary. (Although, celebrate isn't really the word, since we didn't actually do anything. Anniversaries are for going out, and going out is for people with babysitters, and babysitters are for people who live by family or have money, but still.) I have been polishing my baking skills by making lovely cakes We gave this one to Nick's professor and his wife, but I am pretty sure it tasted as delicious as it looks

Cosby has gotten cuter, and harder. He really wants to be mobile, but isn't quite there yet. He doesn't want to lay around and constantly wants to be entertained. He can sit up for a little bit, then topples over. He hates being on his stomach and is teaching himself how to crawl around by arching his back and kicking his legs. He loves to scratch you, smack you, and growl at you.

I sent Atlas on a treasure hunt on St. Patrick's Day, and he thought that was pretty awesome. Then, the next day was his 4th birthday. He opened presents shortly after waking up and we played for a while. He really wanted some Legos and I am excited for him to have something that keeps him busy and creative, but I am also a little terrified because I know the pieces are going to end up scattered about and Cosby is getting pretty close to moving on his own, and loves putting everything in his mouth, and, as you can see, we have a rug that camouflages everything. Even after I think I have picked up every little toy I always find more by either stepping on them or sucking one up in the vacuum.

After a burrito lunch at Chipotle (which Atlas deemed his "best food") we surprised him with a trip to a place called Monkey Joe's, which basically is just a bunch of bounce toys. He really wanted a birthday party this year, but the weather wasn't good enough to have one in the park and our place is a little too small to accommodate one, so we really wanted to help him have a good birthday in compensation  He was really happy all day and really like bouncing around, although after an hour he had the cutest pink cheeks and had exerted all his energy and was ready to go home.

We went to the toy store to use some birthday money and he had a great time picking out his new toy. He was very meticulous and made sure he got the right thing. He was very happy with his purchase.

In the evening we had a pasta dinner. (If Atlas had his way, every meal would be noodles) Then we ate cake. I made his the ugliest cake on Earth due to my original plans horribly failing and me running out of time, but he still loved it. He was so happy and kept saying stuff like "Thanks so much for my cake mom! I'm so proud of you for making it! You can pick out any toy in my toy box to have since you made me that cake. On your birthday I am going to give you such a good surprise!" etc, so even though it was lumpy, and Wreck It Ralph looked like a 10 yr old drew it, it all was fine in the end.

After we ate cake he helped draw with food coloring markers on some fondant for cupcakes to take to his preschool class on Tuesday (today). I got to be the parent at preschool and hang out with Atlas, which is always tons of fun. There are lots of cute kids in his class that are a blast to be around.

Every birthday that Nick has he complains about feeling older/ talks about how weird it is that he is that old. I never feel that way on my own birthdays, but Atlas's birthday sure did it to me. My carpel tunnel flared up from kneading a ton of fondant for the cake (which I ultimately didn't really even use) Then I was exhausted because the night before his birthday I waited until everyone was asleep to decorate the living room with balloons and streamers and wrap his presents. He woke up early on his birthday so I started off with very little sleep and then I somehow messed up my back racing him in a bounce obstacle course. I was so exhausted and achy by the end of his birthday I couldn't help but notice that I'm not quite as youthful as I once used to be. :)
March still has plenty in store for us. My Dad is coming to visit in a few days, and then Easter of course. Also, hopefully some better news will come soon about where we are going to be living after this summer. Keep your fingers crossed.

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