Saturday, December 8, 2012

I haven't done a post in a while. I tried to do one a week or so ago and blogger told me that I had to start paying to blog because I had uploaded too many photos! So, I waited until I figured out a way around it all. You will have to excuse my lower quality photos from now on, since they are smaller sizes, they take up less space so I can post more.

My green hair has come and gone. I really liked it, but it kept fading. After dying it three times, I decided to abandon it and dye my hair a more respectable shade for my little sister's upcoming wedding. It is now the usual very dark brown.

Cosby is a total drool factory, so we have to force him to wear his cape backwards all the time.

Atlas loves blocks a lot lately. He builds bad guys and good guys, robots, monsters and machines. (And still never wears pants)

He is too cool for school.

I love this little gremlin face.

Everyone keeps saying he looks like Nick, but I don't see it that much.

Here he is modeling in his sleep.

He likes to suck his fingers, but we have been trying to swap that out for a binky, because later on down the road, I can take away a binky, but I can't take away his fingers. (I saw too many kids with messed up teeth from thumb sucking when I worked at the dentist)

He had a hard time keeping it in his mouth at first, but he is getting the hang of it. Here he is holding it in his own mouth.

All Nick does is read. Lots of times he carries Cosby so that I can cook dinner or take care of Atlas.

We went to see Santa at a little sweets shop. Atlas liked it (at least before and afterwards), but was very shy. He wouldn't even look at the camera. He didn't sit on his lap, but he did stand in front of him and mumble while looking at the ground for a while.

There was also a face painter there doing Christmas face paintings, but Atlas requested Batman.

He loved it, but right when we got home it was nap time.

And he woke up like this.

Not even a bath would take it all off.