Saturday, August 4, 2012

Last week we had a beach day with our friends, the Culley's.

The little ones loved playing with the hermit crabs. They each had their own bucket full.

Atlas loves masks and costumes. He always tries on the super hero masks when we go to the store, and he looks sooooo creepy.

We haven't been doing many things that are fun to photograph, so I don't have much to post. We have been going to story times and movies at local libraries a lot. There are a lot of libraries around here and they all have great children's programs in the summer. Atlas has been practicing and getting better on his bike, but mostly I try to avoid going outside too much, at least during the day because the heat and humidity are a little  much for me right now.
Other notable things that have happened since our last post:
Nick shaved off his mustache.
Our fridge died and we had to live out of a cooler for a few days and stick all our other food in the Culley's fridge while we waited for our landlord to replace ours.
I bought some dark purple beans at the Farmer's Market today. I get so excited to try new produce.
Nick is getting pretty close to finishing his children's novel and is really into drawing cowboys this week.
I have about four and half weeks left of pregnancy. (at least I hope) My doctor is going to do an ultrasound in the next couple appointments so that she can try to see how large he is and decide how long after my due date she will let me go so that I can try to VBAC. I want to try to do all I can to not have another c-section, while making sure I am doing what's best for baby. It is pretty hard to know what to do.
Megan and Michael are coming for a visit and will be here on Thursday! I will have plenty more picture after their visit.


  1. Love that top picture!! You are the best mom, I swear you find all the coolest things for Atlas to do! Can't believe you will have a baby so soon, I'm so excited! :)

  2. Only four and a half weeks left? Lucky! I'm not much into chiropractos but my sil went to one several times the last couple or few weeks to get her pelvis adjusted and did some exercises he suggested and her baby slid right out. She pushed for two hours with her first. Just a thought. I'm going to be doing yoga to help prepare and I have just generally been working out
