Monday, July 23, 2012

I thought Atlas might have a hard time adjusting to being back in RI, but he is doing great. All he wants to do is "listen to rock and roll and fight." I've been videoing Nick and Atlas's bed battles, but we still can't figure out our video files, so they are just going to stay on our camera forever.

I've been trying to plan little day trips to get him out of the house. Last Tuesday we went to North Kingstown to try out a famous donut shop. Atlas didn't want any donuts after he saw this Lightning McQueen cupcake though.

Thursday we went to a story time in Burnside Park. They had lots of cool yard toys to play with, but this one was by far his favorite.

He listened really well for almost an hours worth of stories, which surprised me.

Afterwards the kids got to do some arts and crafts together.

On the walk back to the car Atlas got a frozen watermelon lemonade.

Someone in our ward gave us a little bike. Atlas has been figuring out how to pedal and steer this past week. He's easily distracted. Our neighborhood isn't ideal for biking and we don't have a paved driveway so we have to take him to the park to ride, but at the park there are lots of things to look at, like kites, dogs, other kids, and Atlas can't figure out how to look somewhere else and not veer off the path uncontrolably. He's working on it though. Pedaling is hard for him to get started, but that is probably due to the bike having 2 flat tires (which we plan on fixing tomorrow).

My sweet little boy stops whatever he is doing every time he sees a flower so that he can pick it for me. He's a stud.

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