Tuesday, October 25, 2011

These are Atlas's "Astro Boy Legs" or occasionally "Astro Boy Arms." Sometimes he just likes to chill out and watch a movie while wearing them. Sometimes he runs around the house pretending to shoot things with them.

His cousin, Baby Fox (aka Hawkes) sent him some stickers in the mail. First they all went on his shirt.  Here he is modeling them. Afterwards they all went on the fridge, where we can look at them at night because they glow in the dark.

This morning he was like this for a few minutes, completely mesmerized by the ceiling fan.

Other notable events: We found a tick on Bixler's neck.  We pulled it out and it was so gross and totally creeped me out.  Now I am freaked out that they are living in my bed.
Atlas is obsessed with cuddling lately, and it rocks. I cuddle him to sleep for his naps and then I lay there forever after he is asleep cause I just love cuddling him so much. When he is getting tired he drinks a sippy cup of milk or juice then rolls on his side and says "Cuddle me!"
Life is pretty boring in these parts. It's getting pretty cold here.  We made a trip out to the park this morning and I nearly froze, but Atlas and Nick had a great time pretending that trees were Bowser and Atlas was Mario. They were also pirates and ninjas. I loved seeing them play together.  Atlas has got a huge imagination lately and is always saying that he is someone else like Mario, a giant robot, Jake the Dog etc. I love the age he is at and seeing him growing up with such a great personality.

1 comment:

  1. Diesel got two ticks last year & it freaked me out also! I cried & woke up a bunch in the middle of the night to double check there weren't more. I guess it's semi common with dogs. Now we just do a check every night before bed and wash him with tick & flea shampoo. Sorry I know that sucks!

    Love that Atlas cuddles! I want to cuddle him. Can't wait to see you guys!
