Monday, June 17, 2013

I thought our last Boston trip would be our last Boston trip, but last week we just couldn't stay away. Actually, there was an eye doctor up there that I wanted to see. I got prescription glasses when I was about 16. My eyes aren't too bad, but I really like them for driving at night of going to the theater, and lately I can tell I am straining to see far away things. My last pair of glasses broke about 5 years ago, so I figured it was time to stop being cheap and just get some glasses.

I made my appointment and we were all going to go up to Boston together so Nick wondered if he should get his eyes checked too. I asked him when he last got them checked and he said he doesn't ever remember getting his eyes checked. He felt like his eyes were fine and wasn't worried about it, but we made him an appointment for good measure. Turns out, his eyes are quite a bit worse than mine! Expect us both to be bespectacled next time you see us. Nick, not knowing/remembering what you do at eye appointments forgot to bring along a pair of sunglasses and so after our appointments we wandered the city with Nick like this.

By sheer luck we stumbled on a bunch of delicious food trucks next to the Os Gameos mural and had lunch.

Then walked to the Children's Museum.

I think Boston is my favorite American city.

Nick and Atlas couldn't quite fully encapsulate themselves in this bubble.

Here Atlas is catching projected butterflies.

His favorite thing this time around was the colorful dance floor where you could play dodge ball.

Cosby liked the construction room.

He loved crawling through the tubes.

It was a super fun day.

And here's a bonus picture of Nick being the most handsome, best ever Dad on Father's Day.

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