Saturday, June 1, 2013

Cosby loves vegetables. This week he tried beets and fiddleheads for the first time.

Atlas has been wearing this lion suit around nonstop. I told him he looked like Simba, and he said no, he is Somba, Atlas's lion friend. When he is in Somba form he talks to me about Atlas. He has even slept in it a few nights this week.

Friday morning we woke up and tried out a new beach. Cosby did not like touching the sand or water and eventually just fell asleep in Nick's arms to the sound of the waves. Atlas always has a blast.

Atlas has been carrying Cosby around the house like this. (Don't worry, he is wearing underwear, don't judge, we don't have A/C)  It makes us nervous and we always tell him not to, but he loves it, and most of the time Cosby does too.

1 comment:

  1. You are so lucky, Kingsley hates vegetables! That's so fun you live by a beach :)
