Monday, May 28, 2012

Atlas has plenty of flaws, but being polite has never been one of them. His politeness even seems to be growing (well, except when he yells out "You guys are bully-heads!" to random groups of teenagers). For example, lately when I say "I love you" to him he incredibly sincerely replies "Thank you so much! That's so nice of you!"  It never fails to make me smile, just like his little prayers. He is in charge of prayers at our house lately and always wants to be the one to say them. They always start out like this:
Heavenly Father
Grateful for this days
Then he proceeds to just talk about what is going on- last nights went something like this:
I'm going to go to sleep
I like my bed
I can be nice.
Dad read me some books.
Mom is in charge.
I went to church.
We are going to save our money, and then I'm going to play at Disneyland.
Then he ends it.
Pretty sweet, although nothing can beat how sweet a sleeping kid is.

The Farmer's Market has moved outside for the summer. It's at a nice big park and when we pulled up Atlas exclaimed "a party!" which it basically was for him. We listened to some live bluegrass, drank a soda, played at the play ground, saw some friends, ate a pudding pop

and when we all got too hot, we cooled off with a signature New England frozen lemonade. I haven't ever seen a snow cone shack out here, but there are plenty of frozen lemonade vendors. It was tasty.

We took a little break at home

before heading out to another party- WaterFire

where we tried our second New England treat. Fried dough is basically what Utahns call a scone. They have them all over here (you can even get them at the movie theater) but instead of honey butter they dust them with powder sugar. I was proud to check off a frozen lemonade and a fried dough from my list in one day. I am starting to feel like a true Rhode Islander.

We saw some break dancers as we were walking around. We sat down to watch their show and they gathered quite a crowd. Atlas was mesmerized. He loved it so much. After some warm ups they started a full on choreographed show with music, which, about 5 minutes into, area security came and told them to pack up. The crowd boo'd and chanted "let them dance!" but the security wasn't having it. Atlas cried his eyes out. He wanted "to watch the boys dance." It was sad, but ultimately good, cause Nick really needed to get home and prepare his lesson for Sunday.
This week is going to be full of mundane things, like cleaning, packing, getting the car's oil changed, printing a zine cover, putting our mail on hold etc etc etc- which means we are about to leave RI and head (drive) to UT. There is a lot to do and think about when you are leaving your house for over a month and it's really stressing me out. Not to mention, we need to prepare for the Providence Arts Festival on Saturday. Ack! What am I doing writing a blog post? I don't know.


  1. I am glad you do write them so much. They are very entertaining. Good luck with all you have to do.

  2. That picture of Atlas with the sun glasses on eating the frozen lemonade is to die for cute! So excited to see you guys!!
