Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Atlas has quite an imagination these days. He loves to play with little action figures and make up stories and dialogue for the characters. This morning he started doing it so I jumped on here and typed out what he was saying. Here is the transcript.

He's dead?
Ya, he's dead.
He's dead? We gotta save him
And get Yoshi too
You better say you're sorry
Don't let me out!
I can't get it out
You can't get it out to change it? The baby?
Where'd the baby go?
He's right by my princess dress
Oh, that makes me so sad, wahhhh
I don't have a baby
You don't have a baby?
No I don't have a baby
It's not rude, you got to say you're sorry
don't do that, that's rude
I think it's changing
Mario, Hey princess peach did you step in it?
No I just lalalala a baby?
You just lalalalala a baby?
I'm going to put you in your room, stay here, don't move
I got it, hahahahaha
Oh no, I fall down, ahhhhhh!
Dun dun dun dun dun
Thank You
I have something on a boat

That's all I got today, cause shortly after that line I noticed he needed to be changed. Sometimes these little stories can last up to a half an hour. Someone always needs to be saved, and someone always gets sent to time out. They are pretty hilarious to listen to. Also, today Altas is calling me honey. He just said to me "Can you get me these stickers, honey?" And he has started using the word capeesh. "Hey mom, I want soda, capeesh?" Like he's a little mafia member or something. He genuinely cracks us up everyday with the weird things he says and his maniacal laughter.


  1. I love it so much, this story cracks me up! My favorite part is that he is calling you honey, so funny!

  2. Please record him saying "cappesh" that would be hilarious to hear. I lol'd after reading that.

  3. I love that you transcribed this. So hilarious. Truman talks aa lot and it's fun to hear what goes on in his weird brain.
