Wednesday, March 12, 2014

I met with the neurosurgeon. The condition I have is usually caused by trauma (a car crash or something), but can lay dormant a long time. Since I haven't been in a car crash or bad snowboarding accident for years, it is most likely they are not growing very fast. The operation to remove them is so tricky they want to put it off as long as possible. I will be getting periodical MRI's to track the growth. It is something that is part of my pain and exhaustion, so next stop, chiropractor to see if I can get any relief. Also they are testing me for lyme since I lived in RI. A couple more pokes and appointments and then hopefully just time to go to the gym to get some exercise in to help make me feel better. I'm on some medications that are helping, and springtime is coming.  I just bought everything for our garden. It is so nice to be able to go outside and see the sun. Everything is looking fine.

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