Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Update on me

I don't tend to talk about myself much. There's not a lot to talk about. I am a stay at home mom. What do I do all day? Talk to a three year old, nurse a baby, and try to coordinate naps and meals. Nothing too glamorous. But there is another reason I don't like to talk about me, and that's because I struggle. I have dealt with on-and-off depression since I was a child. Sometimes it is manageable, sometimes it is a nuisance,  sometimes it is crippling. As an adult I have also developed an intense anxiety disorder that also waxes and wanes. It has been full force, and fairly devastating since moving to Rhode Island. I lost friends, I gave up an art career, I became a full time mom, I had a miscarriage, I had a difficult pregnancy, I never go out with my husband, in fact, I never go out at all, we have no help with our children, we have lost all our money and savings and taken out student loans just to survive, I've gained weight, I've watched my mom completely forget who I am and struggle tremendously with her Alzheimers and watched my family dealing with that, I've felt very very alone, I've been put into a new culture that I am unfamiliar with and watched Nick flourish as I have simultaneously withered. I know I could have much bigger problems, but the combination of all these things happening roughly around the same time mixed with my already natural state of depression has really hurt me this time around. Why am I telling you this? I can't hide it any more. Part of getting over anxiety is trying not to be anxious about having it. I have to try to love myself by letting myself be true to myself, and this is it. I am on a journey to get well right now. I see a therapist, I have homework, I read self help books, I practice cognitive therapy, I go to the gym 4-5 times a week, I practice relaxation techniques, I eat healthy etc etc etc. I am working so hard right now to try to make myself a better person. A depressed and anxious mom is not a good thing. I don't ever want to get out of bed. Most days I could lay in a dark room the entire day. I make myself function day to day for my family. I put on airs that nothing is wrong, and that's good to do in front of a three year old, but it's exhausting to do all the time. Sometimes I get in a funk and I don't want to do things like post on my blog, but I experience extreme anxiety about it (like everything else). I feel like I am disappointing someone, when no one really read this anyways. I tell myself all these horrible things about myself because I don't want to do something as trivial as writing a blog post and it can throw me into a crazy spiral of depression. So I guess I am writing a post to calm my anxiety about not posting in a while and explain why in some sense, but mostly because I know that in order to overcome myself I have to face myself and part of that is letting people know what is going on rather than pretending and feeling shame about my problems. I don't want to feel shame, and I shouldn't. I have to look straight into the eyes of my fears in order for them to disappear. I tend to isolate myself when I am down and (which has been pretty easy to do since moving here) and it just compounds the problem. There are still a lot of insecurities ahead in our future. The big one, obviously is where we will be living next. Nick has applied to 6 programs and we are just waiting to see where we will end up for the next 5 years of our lives. It is very hard for me not to be very scared of all the changes. I mostly just try not to think about it. Moving here was very hard for me, and I really hope that wherever we go next will be a little easier. At least, maybe I will know what to expect a little better. Until then I am just going to be moving along, trying to become a better person day by day. If you read this you are obviously a close friend or family member and I want you to know what I am dealing with and would be happy to talk to you more about it if you have any questions. Sometimes I don't answer the phone (ok, I never answer the phone) and I don't smile too often. It's not cause I don't love you. Sorry if I drop off the face of the Earth now and again. I appreciate everyone who sticks around anyway :)


  1. Im rooting for you Erin, motherhood and wifehood is not easy. I love you!

  2. Oh, Erin....I'm so glad I took the time to read this. I'm so glad I know you and got to spend almost every working day with you for a couple of years, dental assisting. You always made me feel loved and comfortable. Not to mention I admired your work ethic, creativity and life in general. You also married into an amazing family. That says a lot about a my opinion. You are beautiful.

    I didn't know you struggled with depression. My husband does as well. And in fact, I think I do, at times now as an adult/mother. I think I get the winter-blues. I have felt very down, lazy, unmotivated, tired the last two winters. Last year I thought I was having post-pardom-depression, 7 months after having a baby. But, I'm pretty sure it's winter-blues, lack of sun for me. Being a mom is so hard when you are feeling down. I get very impatient, I feel clostraphobic (sp?)and just blah.

    On the bright side you are an amazing talented cook. Seriously, professional material. AS if I know.... but I am sure I'm not the only one that thinks it. You are doing all the right things to take care of yourself. Keep it up! I know how it feels to be alone and across the country from family. It SUCKS. Jared put in for a job in Montana almost 2 months ago. WE prayed and prayed and I fasted he would get this job, closer to Utah. He didn't get it. It has been very depressing and gut wrenching for me. WE have been here 7 years and I'm suddenly in a big hurry to get out of here, not sure why but I really want to move closer to Utah and need a change.

    I think about you and your mom more than you would know. I saw the picture on your blog, here, of her when you went and visited with her in Utah. It kills me. My heart truly goes out to you. My mom had cancer when I was in high school and we almost lost her. It was one of the hardest things I went through. I know your mother and very much love and admire her as a person. What a hard worker she is. And such a good example. She would wrap her arms and heart around you right now if she knew your pain & sorrow. Somewhere inside her I know she knows but just can't show you. I'm sorry, so very sorry she is sick. May our Heavenly Father continue to wrap His arms around you and your little family. You need to know you are brave and your are a daughter of God doing the best you can. Keep it up and keep on truckin'.

    Love you friend, my personal email is and phone (cell) is 801-540-9876 if you ever want to get more in touch.

    Annie Peay

  3. It's crazy to me that I know or have heard you say you get anxiety and depression, but whenever I'm around you, you just seem to have it all together & seem so confident and happy. I guess it's always our inner battles right? I can't imagine how hard it is being out in rhode island, not that it's not a great place. But I always struggled being in San Felipe too. I just felt like my life was put on hold since I didn't have friends, family, or work. Being stuck inside always made me feel crappy (which is worse in the winter months) I often felt like my life was pointless & I wasn't contributing or doing anything. I think for sure it hurt my self esteem to feel worthless. Which I think would be super hard not being able to do your art. Feeling like it's a part of who you are. I feel like I love being a mom but feel like that crafting or my projects is what makes me feel different, unique or that I have something to offer. Just try to keep perspective that you will soon be out of RI and on to the next adventure! It's funny now I hardly even remember living in MX & forget what a struggle it is.

    Just know how much we love you & are always here for you. I think you do an awesome job & are an excellent mother. You are so proactive about everything which I think is just amazing. Sorry for the novel, but let's skype soon.

  4. ahhh...erin! We are so glad we got to know you guys in SLC while you were here and wish we were closer to hang out. I am so bummed that every time you guys are in town it seems we are headed out of town for the holiday. You are awesome and it's so great you are getting help. That is so brave and so hard to accept. It's hard to get up and do the things to improve yourself and work on yourself. You are an awesome mom and your kids are so lucky to have a mom who wants to improve herself. Let us know if there is anything we help you with here in SLC. You are welcome to email anytime if you need someone to talk to.
