Wednesday, April 23, 2014

My Dad asked me to film Atlas playing soccer. Here you go Dad.


 About half way through the game (15 minutes) he starts playing like this.


 After the game his energy magically comes back and Cosby finally stops crying because he can go on to the field. Soccer days are stressful and I can never tell if he even likes it. On the way home from the game I told Atlas that he only had about 5 more games left and would he like me to sign him up for soccer again or would he like to try something different like T-ball. His reply was "I don't want to sign up for anything, I just want to stay home and wrestle Dad'"

Things are starting to get a little greener here. We've had a lot of perfect weather days lately. I am relishing in it before the summer humidity and bug invasion come. I have been working hard in our yard to try and make it a little safer and prettier. The owner before us left a lot of scrap lying around, car parts, old wood, broken cement etc. We also have an ugly pond in the front that I am ripping out and I am putting in a garden. It's been a lot of work so far and it barely shows. The boys LOVE to be outside. They play out back while I am working out there. It's fenced in so I let them roam, and I'm not always right next to them. This week Cosby decided to try dirt. I didn't realize until he came over to me with a super muddy face and was trying really hard to spit. It was gross, and cute.

Atlas is a really good brother. He loves to play. He gave Cosby his lightsaber and pretended he was getting beat up for a good 20 minutes. Cosby loved it.

Cosby has perfected his scowl.

All my nieces and nephews look like little fashion models everyday, but around here, we like a more homeless-chic vibe. Nothing's more comfortable than your older siblings big tee shirts, right?

Atlas is always getting hurt, but never cares.

Everywhere I go the whole gang follows. If I sit anywhere they all flock to me, and if I get up and move to another couch they are all there in about 30 seconds.

A pic from Atlas's preschool field trip to the library.

I made a short visit to Utah because my grandma passed away. I was really worried about leaving the kids. I took this picture on the way to the airport and then stared at it for the next 3 days.

My grandma didn't want a traditional funeral. Instead of a viewing we had a family prayer and then an  open house of sorts. The room was filled with things that reminded me of my grandma that I had totally forgotten about. It was bittersweet nostalgia.

She used to make suckers (Atlas would correct me and say lollipop) every year for the Festival of Trees. We loved eating the leftover spills and drips.

My grandma had Alzheimer disease for a very long time and I think most of us were happy that she finally got to go "home" liked she'd been asking for for years. The open house was happy and fun. I even saw my Dad get my mom to laugh, which totally made my day.

Grandma made the best carmel in the world. No one can make her recipe quite like she did. I miss eating an entire pan of carmel with my cousins every holiday.

I convinced Meg and Mikey to come sleep at my Dad's house with me so I could spend some time with them. I kept them up every night just talking to them. They are great and I miss them. It was overall just really wonderful to see my family.

I have super awesome cousins and we never see each other anymore, so it was a joyous reunion as we remembered and talked about Grandma.

The next day was a short graveside service and a lunch by the ward after. It was all very sweet and felt like the perfect way to say goodbye.

This is at the lunch. It seems like wherever my Dad goes, little children stick to him.

I really loved my weekend in Utah but equally loved getting back to my guys. It just feels weird to be away from them. Cosby is the cuddliest thing on Earth and Atlas is my nonstop entertainer. I feel so lucky to have so much love in my life from all my families.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Potters came to town. Rob, Julie and Jaxon arrived last last Wednesday night and slept on the couches in our basement. In the morning we took them to Kansas City (although that is where they flew into the night before) and saw the KC Museum of Art. It was huge. Here is Atlas by a Rauschenberg.

There was also this giant awesome Chinese temple installed in one room.

The building itself was super fantastic.

Atlas liked this Samurai, so I told him to strike a samurai pose. This is it.

We hung out Friday and rested up. Rob and Julie even took the kids so that Nick and I could go on a date! I have so much anxiety leaving them, because I never do, that I was really worried I wouldn't enjoy going out, but a few minutes into the new Wes Anderson film I was fine.

Saturday we went to St Louis to the Science Museum. They had an interesting exhibit of all these metal dinosaurs that a dude made that you can control, some with simple machines, and some with xbox controllers.

We got snacks at a restaurant that brings your meal to you by train.

We also stopped by the WW1 Memorial and the Arch. It was a fun day and everyone was exhausted.

We love having visitors and it was great to have the Potters here. The kids did great with them and really liked them at our house .